Sunday, June 28, 2015


                Nedra and I have participated in a book discussion group since the early 1960s so we have had quite a range of fiction and non-fiction to read over the past half century. I was given a gift of a paperback by Richard Janda, a linguist who is now on sabbatical leave with his family in France.  It is a novel by Dave Barry and Alan Zweibel.  Its title is LUNATICS. I had not read any of their works before but I have occasionally read satirical novels (Orwell’s 1984 and Huxley’s Brave New World are classics).  A more recent satirical novel is Jonas Jonasson’s The 100 Year Old Man Climbs Out of the Window and Disappears.

              Lunatics uses alternate chapters to describe shared experiences of two characters, one a pet shop owner and the other a “forensic plumber.” The pet shop owner, Stephen Hortman, and the plumber, Jeffrey Peckerman, hate each other.  Jeffrey believes Stephen made a bad call in a girls’ soccer game.  The two chase each other and create chaos that escalates into bungled traffic accidents, a downed helicopter, a blocked bridge, and a belief that terrorists are at work.  Things get worse at the Central Park Zoo as they are pursued by real terrorists and the police.  They escape and their actions lead to the beaching of a cruise liner in Cuba.  Their actions somehow get them out of trouble only to create more trouble as they go from Cuba to the Middle East and to China.  They become celebrated as international heroes and end up at the Republican National Convention and that chapter brought tears of laughter and bouts of uncontrolled giggles.  They reminded me of Zero Mostel at his best. For old timers like me, it was like a revival of the slapstick comedy of Laurel and Hardy, the Keystone Cops, and the Marx Brothers. 

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