Friday, July 3, 2015


I was nursing a croissant and a cup of coffee at the Barnes and Noble Starbucks in Bloomington, Indiana, when my alter ego, Foley showed up.  “What are you reading, Elof?” he asked.
“A new biography of August Weismann,” I replied.

“What did he do?”

“He was a major contributor to biology in the nineteenth century. He promoted Darwin’s theory of evolution in Germany.” 

“You still believe in that, Elof?  Don’t you know that Creation Science demolished the theory of evolution?”

“And how, Foley, did it do that?”

“It found an eye witness account of the Creation.”

“Really?  Who was that?”

“God.  He dictated the Pentateuch or Torah in the Old Testament to Moses”.

“Foley, the oldest known written Bible was written about 800 BCE. If Creation Science claims the universe is only 8 to 10 thousand years old, how did Moses get all of those books of the Bible transmitted for the next eight thousand years?”

“No problem, Elof.  They used griots.”


“Yeah, you know those guys in Africa who passed on centuries of genealogy so Alex Haley in Roots could write about his ancestors who came over as slaves.  There were Hebrew griots, too.  The Greeks did the same thing for the Iliad and the Odyssey.”

“Foley, I could say the same is true  for the history of the Gilgamesh epic. Do you accept that fight between Gilgamesh and Enkidu actually happened?”

“No, because God is real and Enkidu and Gilgamesh are myths.”

“What makes you claim that?”

“God.  He won and nobody worships Gilgamesh or those Greek and Roman Gods. Winner takes all says I. And that means the Book of Genesis is an eyewitness account of Creation.  Evolution loses”.

“Doesn’t it bother you that Genesis says plant life (including seed-bearing vegetation and fruit trees) is created on day three and that the sun, moon, and stars are created on day four?  Do you really believe that the earth is older than the sun and the stars?”   

“Your problem, Elof, is that you’re stuck with a theory of evolution by natural selection, and a theory of cosmology that has stars forming from nebulous gasses.  You have theories.  I have the facts.”

“How can you call that biblical sequence factual, Foley?  Angiosperms on day three before all the animals existed?  The fossil record shows that angiosperms were among the last of the plant groups to evolve long after the earth was crawling with animals. The sun and stars after the earth is formed?  Among 100 billion stars in our galaxies each with one or more planets, our earth was the first object to be created  in what became the Milky Way?  And no mention that the Milky Way is just one of 100 billion galaxies in the universe!   And you call that Creation Science?”

“Sorry Elof.  You lose.  In a court of law, I would have an eyewitness, God.  And He is the one unimpeachable witness.  You swear on His book, don’t you, to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


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