Thursday, July 2, 2015


I was surprised to see my friend Foley at this week’s Freethinkers meeting that I attended at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Bloomington.  “What’s on your mind?” I asked.

“The 2016 elections worry me, Elof”

“Do you expect the Republicans to lose?”

“No, at least I hope not.  But my favorite candidate might not get the nomination.”

“Who is your favorite candidate?”

“Governor Christie.”

“You can’t be serious,” I said.  “Christie is a union-busting bully.”

“That’s good,” Foley smiled.

“He’s an obnoxious loud mouth.”

“The better to square off with European wimp leaders and Dictators who hate America,“ Foley  pointed out.

“He’s corrupt and under several investigations for criminal behavior as a governor, dispensing financial favors and meting out illegal punishments to critics,” I counter-pointed out.

“What’s he supposed to do?  Kiss his enemies and blow off his friends?  Politics is not for sissies.”

“His fiscal policies have depleted New Jersey of income and caused damage to its credit rating.”

“Elof, those who sponge off the government seeking handouts don’t like being told to get off their rear ends and find a job.”

“What about the Democrats, Foley, which candidate do you fear most?” 

“I don’t fear any of them.  Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren are out because guys don’t want to salute a skirt.  Joe Biden is out because a cloud of doom is always hanging over his head. Bernie Sanders?  Are you kidding? A socialist has less chance of being elected than a fascist in this country.”

“If Christie is indicted before the Republican convention, who is your next choice?  Donald Trump?”

“Nah, he comes across as a snake oil salesman.”

“Bobby Jindal”?

“No, he acts like a frightened deer staring at headlights”.

“Rick Santorum”

“No, he takes his orders from the Vatican”.

“Jeb Bush?”

“Too many Bushes, ask his Mom”.

“Mitt Romney?”

“Never repeat a loser”.

“Scott Walker?”

“No way.  He takes his orders from the ghost of Ayn Rand.”

“Rand Paul?”

“Ditto, he’s cursed with her name.”

“Ted Cruz?”

“Who’s going to vote for a guy who looks like Dracula?”

“So, Foley, what will you do after 2016 if Christie isn’t President?”

“I guess I’ll be saluting a skirt.”

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